By Céline Chami (Twitter) - My love story with wine started when my parents used to tour small grocery shops in Lebanon during the civil war and collect old, unsold wine bottles. I was always fascinated by the nobleness of wine and couldn’t wait to taste it and understand the mysteries behind it. Back in the day, there were only a few wineries in Lebanon that people knew of, but as the years went by, the number of wineries grew and we finally had a good variety of Lebanese wines to choose from.
Picture taken at Châeau Kefraya in 2011 by Liliane |
The real passion began when I started touring these new wineries and discovering wines that were generally not found in supermarkets or in alcohol stores across Lebanon. The more wines I tried, the more refined my taste and my palate grew. Today, although I am still constantly trying new wines, I have gotten accustomed to some wines that you will always find in my cellar.
Now that the wine season is upon us, I have decided to share with you the list of my favorite red wines. This way, you can try new wines that usually come from small, boutique wineries and that are an absolute delight. They’re not in any specific order, although some are more interesting than others. Mind you, I am in no means a wine expert, but let me put it this way – I simply know my wine :).
Château Qanafar |
Domaine de Baal |
Château Heritage |
Comte de M |
Château Marsyas |
Cave Kouroum Syrah Cabernet |
Maqruis des Beys |
Although wine tastes, flavors and aromas change every year depending on weather conditions, harvesting, soil, irrigation and other factors, the above wines have kept a constant quality through the years, so feel free to enjoy the vintage you want.
Cheers and happy drinking! :)
*Images are retrieved from their respective facebook pages or websites.
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